
在討論工業製造或其他需要壓縮空氣的應用時, air quality is an often overlooked but crucial element. We often focus on ensuring our compressed air systems provide enough pressure to drive equipment. But we rarely consider the humidity and purity of the air. This is where compressed air dryers become essential.

This article explores why compressed air dryers are indispensable equipment in many situations. We’ll look at when you might need a compressed air dryer. Whether you are an industrial manufacturer or use compressed air daily, this article will help you better understand why you should consider investing in a quality compressed air dryer. Let’s explore how this seemingly small but important device can have a profound impact on a variety of applications.

Where Does The Water in Compressed Air Come From?

壓縮空氣中的水分主要來自大氣. 這是自然空氣中固有的. 無論季節如何, the atmosphere has a certain relative humidity. 此外, 壓縮或冷卻後, the water vapor in the air will become liquid. 這會影響壓縮空氣的質量.

In industrial air compressor applications, many users are very sensitive to moisture. Since we can’t eliminate the water before the air compressor, it must remove moisture in the compressed air treatment system.

進入空氣壓縮機之前, 空氣中的水分主要是水蒸氣. 而且是不飽和的. 如表所示 1, 空氣的相對濕度是 69%, 溫度為 20°C. 壓縮後 (7 酒吧), 由於空壓機後冷卻器的冷卻,壓縮空氣中的水蒸氣變得飽和. 和 42% 的液態水將會沉澱. A gas-water separator and storage tank can remove this liquid water. 其餘 58% of water is in the compressed air as water vapor.

如果沒有空壓機乾燥機, the direct use of compressed air will be bad for production. 所以, refrigerated and desiccant air dryers have become the preferred air treatment equipment.


① The air compressor discharges compressed air. 如果有冷氣機的話 + 空氣接收器, then it can lower the temperature by 3 到 10 ℃. This can meet customers with low-quality air, 例如鑽機, 空氣炮, ETC.

② But most industrial enterprises generally have such requirement :10℃>壓力露點>0℃. This requires using an air compressor refrigerated dryer to remove the water vapor.

③ If the need for dew point ≤ 0 ℃, choosing a desiccant air compressor air dryer is necessary. The common dew point requirements for adsorption compressed air dryers are -20℃, 40℃, 和70℃.

What Are The Specific Problems That Arise?

空氣壓縮機排出壓縮空氣, 但不干淨. There are many contaminants, 比如水分, 灰塵顆粒, oil, ETC. They will enter the production process if they are not purified and dry. 而且, 許多螺桿空氣壓縮機都是油式的. This leads to many problems.

Production Capacity Decline

If there is no air dryer compressed air, 水分, and oil will clog and rust pneumatic equipment and tools. 這會導致運行緩慢. 除了, 管路和零件堵塞會導致壓力降低. 而且工具會失去效率. In a long time, 設備會壞掉. 嚴重時, 這可能會導致生產停機.

Increase Product Defect Rate

壓縮空氣含水量高導致產品故障率增加. 例如, spray painting and electronic product processing. 在激光或等離子切割機中, 濕氣會污染我們刀頭上的鏡片. 所以, it will directly affect the cutting efficiency.

此外, various influence exists in the food industry. 壓縮空氣經常在食品包裝和運輸中發揮作用. 也, 壓縮空氣經常與產品接觸.

如果沒有空壓機空氣乾燥機, then much moisture or oil can damage our food. 尤其是在乾食品行業, 對空氣濕度有更嚴格的要求. ISO 標準對食品行業的壓縮空氣質量有不同的等級. Different levels have different contents of solids, 水, 和油.

Air Aerodynamic Loss

壓縮空氣中的水會腐蝕管道. 這會導致管道堵塞. 而且, mixing water, oil, and dust can exacerbate blockages. 除了, 在寒冷地區, 水分凍結會導致管道凍結. 然後壓力下降,壓差大. 最終, it will affect the safety of production. 此外, it will lead to air leakage from the pipeline in serious cases.


Increase Production And Maintenance Costs

水分和油污會直接損壞我們的氣動元件. 除了, they will also corrode our equipment. 那麼我們就必須更換新的備件. 這增加了維護成本和生產時間成本.

To improve compressed air quality, you must install precision filters to remove oil and water. 然後, install an air compressor air dryer to remove the water deeply. 這使得露點達到應用要求.


What Can Compressed Air Dryers Bring You

A compressor air dryer is a device used to process compressed air. It improves compressed air quality by removing moisture and other impurities from the air. Below are some of the main functions the air compressor dryer can perform.


Compressed air often contains significant amounts of moisture, harming many applications. Compressed air dryers remove moisture from the air through technologies such as cooling, 吸附, or membrane separation. This prevents moisture from corroding, icing, or other problems with equipment and processes.


The air may contain particulate matter, grease, bacteria, and other impurities. These impurities can cause problems in some sensitive applications. Air dryer compressed air can filter these impurities and provide cleaner and purer compressed air.

Improve System Efficiency

Dehumidification and purification of compressed air can improve the efficiency of compressors and pneumatic equipment. Dry air transports energy more efficiently, reduces corrosion on pipes and equipment, and reduces maintenance costs.

Extend Equipment Life

Compressed air dryers can extend the life of compressors, 閥門, and other critical components by reducing damage to equipment from moisture and impurities, downtime, and repair costs.

Ensure Product Quality

In some manufacturing processes, compressed air is used to carry raw materials or participate directly in the manufacture of products. If the air contains moisture or contaminants, this may adversely affect product quality. Air dryer compressed air ensures that products are free from contamination and meet quality standards.

When Do You Need A Compressed Air Dryer

There are many situations where you might need an air compressor dryer. It depends on your application and environment. Below are some common situations.

Pneumatic Equipment

If you work with pneumatic tools, control systems, or machinery, dry compressed air is essential to their proper operation. Moisture can cause stuck valves, leaky cylinders, or tool failure.

Precision Manufacturing

In precision manufacturing, such as electronics, 半導體, or optical manufacturing, tiny water droplets or particles in the air can cause damage to products. The air compressor dryer ensures the required air quality during production.

Food And Pharmaceutical Industry

In food and pharmaceutical production, hygiene standards are very strict. Moisture and contaminants can pose a threat to product safety and quality. Dry compressed air helps avoid these problems.

Cooling And Freezing Applications

In cooling and freezing systems, dehumidified compressed air helps prevent freezing and frost and maintains stable system operation.

Painting And Coating

If you use compressed air in automotive painting, woodworking, or other coating applications, 水分, and oils can adversely affect the quality of the coating. A compressed air dryer ensures uniform coating and good quality.

Gas Production

Certain gas production processes require extremely high-purity gases, and dehumidification and purification of compressed air are key steps in producing high-purity gases.

Avoid Pipeline Corrosion

Moisture and contaminants can trigger corrosion in pipes and vessels. This may cause leakage or damage to the equipment. Compressor air dryers protect equipment and infrastructure from such hazards.


Dehumidified compressed air requires less energy to transport. Drying air, 所以, reduces energy costs and increases system efficiency.



在本文中, we dig into the importance of air compressor dryers and when to consider using them. Whether it is industrial manufacturing, precision manufacturing, food processing, pneumatic equipment, or other applications, compressed air quality is one of the key factors in ensuring system efficiency and product quality.

A compressed air dryer can be a seemingly small and easily overlooked device. But it is critical to many industries and applications. Ensuring your compressed air is of the right quality can increase productivity, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure product quality. 所以, whether you need a compressed air dryer depends on your needs. But considering them is often a smart choice that can provide lasting benefits to your workflow and business.